South Port Sailing School 519-816-3197

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Fall Sailing Training for CANSail 4/5/6

As part of the exciting expansion of our sail training programs, new for this year will be the opportunity for sailors to continue practicing their skills during our fall sailing lessons. Open to sailors in CANSail 4, 5 & 6, the program will run on select Sunday afternoons throughout September and October.

Sessions will run on the following dates and times: 

September 15th, 1-4pm

September 22nd, 1-4pm

October 6th, 1-4pm

October 13th, 1-4pm

October 20th, 1-4pm

October 27th (Hallowe'en Regatta), 1-4pm

Total cost for the fall training program is $250 + HST. 

Please note that as the weather cools, sailors will be expected to have the appropriate cold weather sailing clothing. For sailors without appropriate gear, Mike will advise what to purchase. 

Please note, you must have already completed your CANSail level 3 to participate in this course.

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